Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Man of Relativity


Albert Einstein, a famous scientist, is best-known for his two theories of relativity, special and general.He completely changed the way people saw our world and the universe. He majorly contributed to the four areas of science- Light, Time, Energy and Gravity.

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. He grew up in Munich. He was taught how to play violin when he is still very young, and he became an excellent musician.  At a very early age, he started wondering about mysteries of the universe.

His influence could be said started in 1905, when he published a series of remarkable scientific papers and theories. Also it was the same year which he accomplished a famous equation, E=MC2, which shows that mss can be turned to energy. This equation led to the building of the atomic bomb. The first bomb only had 0.6 grams of mass but scientists turned it into enough energy to destroy a whole city. He also came up with the special theory of the relativity, stating that light is constant and that it is impossible to go faster than the speed of light.

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